Please contact us for our current Training Calendar (All courses are certificated)
Our training arm in Nigeria (CrystalBlend Training Academy, Nigeria) is a subsidiary of CrystalBlend Training Academy UK. Our professional and corporate Training includes:
Customer Relations Management (CRM)
Leadership & Management Development
Practical Budgeting & Forecasting
Sales, Branding and Marketing
Psychometric Testing
Human Resources Management
Business Development Management
Enhancing Service Delivery
Project Management
Health and Safety Policy
Effective Communication Skills
Leadership Profile
Staff Disciplinary Procedures for executives and managers
Conflict Resolution & Management
IT Courses:- MS Office(Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Advance Internet & email for officers, Computer Network and System Administration
Empowerment & Economic Independence
As training professionals and life coach organisation, we have developed numerous vital must have courses and training rudiments that will benefit, build, orientate, bring awareness and progress, development and add value to organisations, institutions and NGOs in both the public and private sectors. We have exercise, tested and implemented these in the UK and around Europe and have proven to be very effective and successful and these have earned us numerous accolades and recognitions.
Please contact us for our current Training Calendar (All courses are certificated)
Please note: All the above training/courses are delivered both in Nigeria (various centres) and in the UK (depending on client’s requirement).